1. Honoring our customers – Customers are busy and time-constrained. Our aim is to provide them with a hasttle-free experience. They need information at the moment when they have time to do their research. We dont want to make them jump through hoops to get the info they are looking for. We simply dont want to waste their time talking to sales reps.
  2. Unaffordability Beliefs – Some customers believe (perhaps incorrectly) that if the price is not shown, then it must be a very high price.
  3. Peace of mind and trust: Trust is a major factor. MasterShred has built a brand for reliability and security. We are not a low cost follower who manupuliate pricing and undercut competition to get a job. There are a lot of dubious companies out there. Rather than risk a potentially negative experience with a lesser-known company clients would rather use MasterShred because of a proven track record, enhanced security, trust and performance.